Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I am going to paint the girl's bathroom and my inspiration is coming from the wonderful Katie Daisy, only an artist could have a name like that.  Actually, I wonder if that is her real name or did she change it once she started selling her work?  Not sure and it doesn't matter because I love her paintings, they're so sweet and just the perfect fit for two little girls... And the prints are so affordable.  I have know idea how much her custom paintings are going for, I would love to get my hands on one though.  (Pay attention sistas - This would be a perfect Christmas gift for Deb.  Custom paintings only, please!)

Enough of the chatter, here are a couple of my favorites pieces:

I was going to show pictures of the girl's bathroom but it's on the messy side so I will post before and after photos at a later date.  Enjoy!


Little Sister said...

I've never heard of her before, but I love the prints! I can't wait to see the before and after pictures!!!!

Big Sister said...

These are so awesome. I love the colors!