For a couple weeks now I've really wanted to participate in this Writer's Workshop at Mama's Losin' It!{I love reading from Mama Kat, she just cracks me up!} I've just been waiting for something in one of the prompts that really trips my trigger and inspires me to write! This week there were actually two prompts that I really liked. The Has Spring Sprung? Photo journal and List the top 10 things you miss about being alone.
I think for today I'll do the photo journal since last week you got to see what Spring was looking like out in Michigan from my oldest sister. Now, I do not have a green thumb like Sue, nor do I claim to. I do not dream about my landscaping, I'm more of a food dreamer. {Just last night I had this dream about what snack to bring for my son's special snack day at school today, nothing fancy, graham crackers with Nutella, but I still had a dream about it! Strange, I know.}
I'm so bad at landscaping that I barely know the names of the different plants/flowers/trees/bushes around our house. But I am bound and determined to at least try and make it look nice.
So here is a look at what Spring is looking like in Minnesota this year! It came early and we didn't have much snow, so Minnesotans are pumped! Because we've been inside for soooo long, when the weather gets above 30 degrees you will see us outside like crazy! This year I even think all the Christmas lights were off the houses in January!!! They weren't even frozen on!
Now, on to the photos!
So I've got lots of Hostas. Hand-me-downs from my Mom-In-Law & GMa-In-Law.
I think for today I'll do the photo journal since last week you got to see what Spring was looking like out in Michigan from my oldest sister. Now, I do not have a green thumb like Sue, nor do I claim to. I do not dream about my landscaping, I'm more of a food dreamer. {Just last night I had this dream about what snack to bring for my son's special snack day at school today, nothing fancy, graham crackers with Nutella, but I still had a dream about it! Strange, I know.}
I'm so bad at landscaping that I barely know the names of the different plants/flowers/trees/bushes around our house. But I am bound and determined to at least try and make it look nice.
So here is a look at what Spring is looking like in Minnesota this year! It came early and we didn't have much snow, so Minnesotans are pumped! Because we've been inside for soooo long, when the weather gets above 30 degrees you will see us outside like crazy! This year I even think all the Christmas lights were off the houses in January!!! They weren't even frozen on!
Now, on to the photos!
So I've got lots of Hostas. Hand-me-downs from my Mom-In-Law & GMa-In-Law.
{Daisy wanted to be involved in the picture taking.}
Some are just coming up. {Side note: I'm replacing all my mulch this year too!}
I'm pretty sure I have a wide variety, but unfortunately, I don't know all the names of them. Sue you may have to come back and edit my post! :)
I have a clematis.
I was worried this wouldn't come back this year. Last year in Minnesota it was kind of rough! Usually I have tons of beautiful purple flowers, last year, I had a small handful! Since I already have 5 shoots coming up, I'm hoping that means it is back!
{again, sorry to disappoint Sue, I have no idea what these are. The hubby picked them out...}
This is some ground cover we have on our berm.
And last but not least, we have two onions that have decided to mysteriously come back this year, before we plant them in our vegetable garden! :) I can't wait to get this planted! I just love having fresh lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes for a salad, along with green beans and onions! Oh, oh, and all my fresh herbs!!! Yeah summer!
Deb – what's it doing in Oregon? What's your yard look like? Do you have any beautiful hydrangea's this year? Or didn't you have blueberry bushes one year? Why, oh why did you and Sue have to take all the green thumb genes from Mom and Dad and leave me with the mangy leftovers? It makes it so much harder for me!

I love garden pics! I have tons of Hostas myself. They're the go-for any shady spot. If you scroll past my Mama Kat prompt I have some garden pics up also. Ever seen a giant Agave?
I wish I knew the name of those bushes -- I have a few too, and I know they are quite popular in this neck of the woods (NW Minnesota). I enjoyed your pictures, and thought it was quite ironic that I also have a lone onion standing up on the edge of my vegetable garden! Weird! Visiting from Mama Kat's!
The pretty little light purple flowers are phlox -- I spend so much time in the garden center at Lowes I have them all memorized. Thanks for sharing your photos. :D Love it!
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