Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patty's Day ~ Crazy Hair and Green Food Anyone?!

I'm definitely not Irish, more like Swedish and Danish and {as my Dad says} some Heinz 57 {not sure what that means, so maybe I do have a little Irish in me!}
That's OK, I don't need to be Irish to enjoy St. Patrick's Day. Any excuse to have some crazy hair, make something green and just have fun!
{This is kind of a two sectioned blog-in-one, if there is such a thing. I seemed to get a little wordy today, but I just have so much to share and it is all regarding St. Patty's Day and well, that's today so I'm just going to put it all out there! [deep breath] Sorry!}
Even though St. Patrick's Day is on Saturday this year, the kids still wanted to wear their green and have crazy hair on Friday for school. So thanks again to the
Cute Girls Hairstyles website that my 7 year-old daughter {I like to call her Mini-Me} has been surfing around on, we decided to try a new four leaf clover style on her. The Boy didn't want to be left out and he had all sorts of ideas to try. First he wanted me to take green pipe cleaners and wind them around his hair to stand straight up, kind of like a mo-hawk! WOW – OK? So I tried this and it just wasn't working. He had just gotten out of the shower and we were getting ready for bed, so I thought, you want a mo-hawk, we'll make you a mo-hawk. We took some of Mini-Me's pony holders and put them in his wet hair.
This way when he wakes up in the morning it will be dry and hopefully standing straight up on end. I figure his hair is usually crazy in the morning anyway so this should work great!
And, of course {wink} I was right, it did stand straight up! Throughout the night a couple of the pony holders fell out and Mini-Me pipes in that this is because the leprechauns were being naughty again and took them out while he was sleeping. They thought this was great...I don't know about you, but having little, possibly green men, running around in my room in the middle of the night really freaks me out!!!
Anyway, I took some
green hairspray and a comb and ratted his hair straight down the middle, then sprayed it with the green hairspray.  I find with this stuff, if you dry it with a hair dryer right after you spray it, it stays in longer and with a mo-hawk keeps its shape better.

Then on to Mini-Me. We are in a hurry now since we have 15 minutes {THAT'S 15 MINUTES - AHHHHHH!!} until the bus gets here to take them to school. And why oh why didn't I practice this hairstyle at least once before the actual day we needed to do it, but that would take a lot of organization and time management on my part, not gonna happen!
I had opened up the
 Cute Girls Hairstyles website and got the picture and instructions on my kitchen computer the night before {that was a bit organized, right?}, then got all the green pony holders, and we decided to wind green pipe cleaners in the clover. Again, the instructions on this site are! I had to have The Boy, to his horror, hold the hair pieces for me while I twisted them with the green pipe cleaners. We held each pair of twists with little clips while we got the others twisted. Yikes, that is a lot of twisting!
Here is the final product of Mini-Me's hair!
Sorry, my photography skills are a little lacking.
Here are the munchkins - LOVE THE SOCKS!

OK - here is the second section:

This morning we I wanted to try and make something a little special for St. Patty's day so I found an Irish Soda Bread recipe on an awesome blog - Plain Chicken – her website is here! I didn't have any buttermilk so I googled substitutions for buttermilk and found an easy recipe here! All you need is milk and lemon juice – oh yea, I have that! We also wanted it to be, of course, you guessed it, green so we added some food coloring.
We got all of our ingredients together – Mini-Me decided to help out! We started by making our buttermilk, I used skim milk since that is what I had in the house, buttermilk sounds so fattening so I'm guessing this makes the recipe a little healthier for us! Bonus! After setting the timer for 5 minutes so the lemon juice and milk could do whatever it is they magically do to make our buttermilk,
measured out the flour, baking soda and salt.
When the 5 minutes was up she added in the green food coloring.
Poured the green buttermilk into the flour mixture and we have our dough. 
How easy is that?!
I should mention at this point in case you would like to know what exactly the dough looks like, my adorable, sweet Mini-Me says, "it looks like someone sneezed out a big ol' green snotty thing!" NICE!
It didn't stop her from trying out that snotty dough, though...
Gotta love her for that!
Next, pour it into the greased bread pan and bake for 35 minutes. Plain Chicken suggested serving it with honey butter, but I used up all my honey last week so we improvised and made cinnamon sugar butter instead {just added my cinnamon/sugar mixture to some softened butter} and why not make it green cinnamon sugar butter! Perfect! 
Nows the real test to see if the fake buttermilk works...sliced it up, buttered it up and does it pass the taste test of the munchkins {and Mom}? 
That's two weekends in a row now that I've baked?! What is happening to me?! Starting easy and small must be the trick!
So, what special things are you doing for St. Patty's Day? Anything fun with the kids or for you adults? The adults in our house are going to a St. Patty's Day Party tonight – Green Beer Anyone?!!

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